Quick Credit Disburses GH¢1.7 Billion to Boost Businesses, Announces Strategic Reforms


Quick Credit and Investment Micro Limited, a prominent microcredit firm, has reaffirmed its dedication to enhancing customer service and supporting business aspirations. In a recent end-of-year durbar themed ‘Our Year of Innovation and Reforms,’ the company’s founder and board chairman, Mr. Richard Nii Armah Quaye, revealed that Quick Credit disbursed a substantial GH¢1.7 billion to customers last year, marking a significant increase from GH¢980 million the previous year.

Mr. Quaye emphasised the company’s commitment to customer relations, sustainability, and mutual growth. He outlined plans for technological advancements to streamline operations and align with the national digitization agenda, stating, “Our focus remains a lending institution with a strong customer relationship to enhance sustainability and impactful mutual growth.”

Highlighting the decision to discontinue house-to-house loan recovery, Mr. Quaye acknowledged feedback from stakeholders and announced a shift to more suitable recovery methods. He stated, “Instead, we would employ alternative and more suitable means to recover our non-performing loans.”

Quick Credit and Investment Micro-Credit Limited was established in 2011 and licenced by the Bank of Ghana under the Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFI) Act.

As Quick Credit marks its 15th anniversary, Mr. Quaye expressed gratitude to employees for their dedication, emphasising their pivotal role in the company’s success. He encouraged continued hard work, envisioning a future of greater achievements.

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