Meet Felix Appiah Nyarko, the Young Man Revolutionizing Snail Farming in Africa


Felix Appiah Nyarko is a young Ghanaian entrepreneur who is changing the face of snail farming in Africa. Felix started snail farming as a hobby after a visit to his grandfather’s cocoa farm some years ago, but it soon became his passion. He saw the potential of snail farming as a lucrative business and started exploring ways to revolutionize the industry.

In 2015, Felix founded his snail farm, Trisolace, which is now one of the leading snail farms in Ghana. The farm uses modern techniques to breed and grow snails, which has resulted in a higher yield and better quality of snails. Felix’s innovation and hard work have made Trisolace Farms a success story in Ghana.

Felix’s goal is not just to make money but also to contribute to the development of Africa’s agricultural sector. Snail farming is an untapped industry in Africa, and Felix believes that it has the potential to create employment opportunities and improve food security on the continent.

Trisolace Farms employs over 20 people, including women and youth, providing them with a source of income and training them in modern farming techniques. The farm also serves as a training ground for young people who are interested in starting their own snail farms.

In addition to creating employment opportunities, Felix is also working to educate people about the nutritional benefits of snails. Snails are a rich source of protein, iron, and other essential nutrients, but many people in Africa are not aware of their nutritional value. Felix is working to change this by promoting snail consumption and educating people on how to prepare snail dishes.

Felix’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. In 2021, he became an awardee of the UNDP-supported Youth Innovation Challenge for Sustainable Development. Felix hopes that his success will inspire other young people in Africa to venture into agriculture and explore the untapped potential of the industry.

In an interview with DW News, Felix said, “I believe that agriculture is the future of Africa, and I want to be a part of that future.” “I want to inspire other young people to join me on this journey of revolutionizing agriculture in Africa.”

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